All about the benefits of nuts for potency

nut for potency

Often, men only take any steps to treat erectile dysfunction when it is too late. Isn't it better to do prevention as early as possible so as not to torture yourself, your partner later, spend money on good andrologists or even go under the surgeon's knife? There is an easier way - preventing impotence. One method is using nuts for potency. It turned out to be almost the first important product for every man.

Exactly what nuts are good for potency?

Can you name at least two types of nuts? Most people will think of walnuts or hazelnuts, which are the most popular. However, the product that benefits potency is represented by a much larger variety. There are at least 10 answers to the question of which nuts increase potency.


walnuts for potency

Of all types, walnut is the most useful for potency. It happens to be the easiest to find. In the southern regions, the trees grow quite well - you can grow them in the yard, like hazelnuts. If this is not possible, you can always buy.

Overweight men should use walnuts with caution, as 100 g of nuts contain about 650 kcal. About 16% of calories come from vegetable proteins, another 10% are given to complex carbohydrates, fiber. Nuts contain beta-carotene, vitamins E, C, group B. Of the minerals, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron are especially noted.


brazil nut for sweating

The largest Brazil nut in the world, the size of a small orange, contains 659 kcal per 100 g of product, almost 70% fat, 15% protein, only 5% carbohydrates. The benefits for potency are due to the content of vitamin E, phytoncides, selenium. These substances stimulate the natural production of testosterone, improve potency, suppress premature orgasm.


Australian sweat nut

Small Australian nuts contain essential oils, nicotinic acid, vitamins B6 and healthy fats, which represent up to 60% of all substances. The calorie content exceeds 700 kcal per 100 g, so men with a tendency to be overweight should use nuts with caution. In addition to improving potency, walnut helps against depression and a number of cardiovascular diseases.


cashews for potency

There are about 650 kcal in 100 g of cashews. Nuts are rich in proteins - they represent about 26% of calories, fatty acids occupy 54%, carbohydrates are only 13%. Cashew contains provitamin A, vitamins C, E, group B, which are responsible for maintaining the normal functioning of the male reproductive system, improving potency. The daily norm is no more than 30 g.


pecan for potency

One of the most caloric nuts, in 100 g of which there are almost 700 kcal. It has a sweetish aftertaste, a relative of the walnut, but from North America. The concentration of healthy fats reaches 72%, carbohydrates are minimal - no more than 5%, and there is also little protein - 10%. Pecans are rich in B vitamins, provitamin A, and also contain arginine.


hazelnut for potency

Outwardly, hazelnuts seem to be less caloric compared to other nuts, but this is not the case. 100 g of the product contains 679 kcal. 25% comes from plant proteins, 15% carbohydrates and about 60% fat. Hazelnuts are rich in vitamins E, D, K, C and group B, as well as provitamin A. There is a lot of selenium, nickel, zinc, chromium, all of which increase potency. Daily intake - up to 50g.


pine nuts for potency

Cedar nuts are high in calories (about 670 kcal per 100 g), contain 68% polyunsaturated fatty acids useful for the body, 14% carbohydrates, a similar amount of vegetable protein. The set of vitamins is represented by group B, vitamins K, C, E, provitamin A. All of them are involved in the synthesis of testosterone, so their benefits for men's health are simply undeniable.

Pistachio nuts

pistachio for potency

They are characterized by a high content of arginine - amino acids involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide. This substance dilates blood vessels during sexual arousal, which stimulates potency. 100 g of pistachios contains 560 kcal, 20% proteins, 45% fatty acids, about 28% carbohydrates. A full range of vitamins for potency is available, as in hazelnuts. The norm for one day is 30 g.


almonds for potency

Like pistachios, almonds contain arginine. It has 579 kcal per 100 g, in terms of the amount of protein it is one of the champions among all types - more than 30%. Fatty acids are also sufficient - 60%. There are practically no carbohydrates, about 10%, almost all of which is fiber. It has vitamins E, C, group B, as well as a set of micro and macro elements useful for potency. The daily norm is 50 g.


nutmeg for potency

An effective natural aphrodisiac, considered by many to be the spice for its burning, spicy taste combined with a specific aroma. The calorie content is one of the lowest - only 525 kcal per 100 g of product. Of these, 35% are fatty acids, 10% are essential oils, another 25% are allocated to carbohydrates, and the rest is divided among themselves into fibers, vegetable proteins.

How to increase the benefits of nuts?

By themselves, male potency nuts are effective, but their benefits can be taken to a higher level if eaten not just as such, but as part of specific meals. Don't be afraid - it's easy to cook.

Recipes with nutmeg

Best of all, the component is absorbed in grated form, but it is better to refuse to buy a ready-made mixture, instead of grinding it yourself. The powder can be used in such potency recipes:

  • Heat a cup of milk to just above room temperature, then add 1/4 of the nutmeg powder to it. Mix thoroughly, use the mixture before going to bed to improve potency.
  • Mix half a teaspoon of ginger, the same amount of nutmeg powder. Stir the mixture into 250 ml of kefir. Divide into two parts, drink one in the morning, the second before going to bed.
  • Grind two nuts, add the resulting powder to 500 ml of water. Bring this solution to a boil, then let it cool for 60 minutes. Drink it during the day.

Nutmeg recipes work best before bed as they can help with insomnia. Regular use significantly improves potency, acts as a prevention of dysfunction.

Recipes with walnuts

As with nutmeg, walnuts also perform better in crushed or crushed form due to better digestibility in the gut. Useful recipes for potency:

  • Grind 100 g of walnuts in a blender and pour three tablespoons of honey over them. It is better to use jasmine, but if that is not available, any buckwheat or floral will do. Sprinkle the finished mixture with lemon juice, then consume.
  • 15 walnuts, 50 g of pre-peeled ginger root are poured into one handful. Put everything in a blender or in a meat grinder, chop well. Squeeze lemon juice into this mixture, then pour liquid honey. Stir, eat - it's a delicious dessert.
  • Put 5-7 walnuts in a blender bowl, add one banana with a glass of natural yogurt. Start mixing, wait for the contents of the bowl to become a homogeneous mixture. Pour into a glass, consume immediately, preferably after proofing.

In combination with honey, not only walnuts are useful, but also any other. The sweet product itself has a positive effect on the potency, thanks to which it complements the properties of the nuts well.

Alcohol tinctures

Alcoholic tinctures made on the basis of medicinal plants have long been established. However, in a similar way, you can make potions from nuts that have the desired effect on male potency. There are many different recipes, but not so many proven ones:

  • After the next session of eating walnuts, collect 30 partitions of them, pour them into a glass jar. Pour 100 ml of ordinary vodka into it, close tightly, leave in a dark place for 7 days. When the time comes, drink 20-40 drops before dinner.
  • Mix 150g of grated ginger, the same amount of nutmeg powder, then add 500g of fennel seeds to this mixture. Pour all this with 800 ml of alcohol, let it infuse for a week. Once ready, drink the medicine three times a day for 50 ml.
  • Pour 3 liters of vodka into a container, throw 200 g of pine nuts directly into the shell. Put this solution in a dark cool place, let it brew for 30 days. As soon as the tincture is ready, strain, drink a weekly course in the evening of 50 g.

Tinctures are good, but remember that you should not abuse alcohol, especially when there are problems with potency. Use these recipes with caution, never forget about the measure.

Healthy nut mixes

Nuts for potency can be consumed not just like that, but mixed with each other. It is even better because each form contains certain components that are missing or few in the others. This shortcoming should be removed by mixing 4-5 different types of nuts and filling with yogurt. To give the mixture more benefits, add 4-5 slices of ginger, a few drops of lemon juice.

You can improvise by coming up with your own interesting and tasty combinations of nuts both with each other and with other products. In this case, you can completely surrender to your imagination.

What are the nuances to understand?

It is important to know which nuts are useful for men for potency, but the one who understands how to properly use this product has no less power. It seems nothing complicated - you take and eat, but even in this case there are some nuances. Consider them to get the expected effect:

  1. nuts are a high-calorie product, so consume no more than 35-50 grams during the day;
  2. if possible, rotate the types of nuts to get a spectrum of nutrients;
  3. a single dose will not give iron strength, it must be used regularly;
  4. before use, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the product;
  5. pay attention to the shelf life - it usually does not exceed 6-12 months.

To avoid amino acid imbalance, do not mix nuts with sweets, do not add them to cereals or muesli. If eating is so boring, use the recipes above or add it to yogurt, meat dishes or desserts. This way you will get much more benefits.

What else is there for potency?

useful products for potency

For male potency, nuts are not the only product that stimulates erection. There are other foods, the use of which will be the prevention of male impotence:

  • oily fish. Salmon, herring, trout and tuna are particularly good for potency. Fish is important for the heart, blood vessels, the components included in the composition stop inflammatory processes.
  • Dairy products. They contain proteins, vitamins, minerals that are involved in the production of your own testosterone. Protein itself is important for every man.
  • called. The seeds of the fruit are a natural stimulant of potency. Apart from its aphrodisiac properties, it is also beneficial in that it protects the prostate gland and prevents the risk of cancer.
  • Oatmeal. Oatmeal in the morning will saturate the body with a whole galaxy of useful substances. These are vegetable proteins, selenium, vitamin B1, manganese, fiber, tryptophan.
  • tomatoes. Vegetables prepared with them are a source of lycopene, an antioxidant that positively affects the concentration of sperm in the seeds.
  • Bananas. They contain a lot of potassium and magnesium, which are responsible for regulating the functioning of the nervous system. Bananas also contain a lot of vitamin B6, which strengthens the immune system.

In addition, it is worth enriching the diet with leafy vegetables, spinach, red and yellow vegetables, as well as spices such as cinnamon, ginger and hot peppers. Pay special attention to products with zinc - the substance stimulates the natural production of testosterone.

Regardless of age and success with women, review your diet. Exclude fatty, fried and fast carbohydrate foods from it. Replace it with products from the above list and don't forget about nuts. Remember that prevention is the best thing you can do for your health. Knowing which nuts are best for potency can do yourself a big favor.